Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Increased age, hair in Body Parts Also

Increased age, hair in Body Parts Also Participate Aging
                         As we age, our hair will start to turn white. Changes in hair color is caused by a decrease in melanin naturally. The same thing actually happened in tubuh.Seluruh hair at the hair on parts of the body begin to grow when we are experiencing puberty, eg hair in the armpit, genital organs, or hair on the chest in men, controlled by hormon.Pada women, entering middle age estrogen levels will drop. The growth of the hairs on the body will be affected so that it becomes thinner. In fact, most people realize reduction in hair growth on the legs or tangan.Berkurangnya number of hairs on the body is due to the hormone, although it can also occur due to reduced building block as we grow older. Skin thinner so that the subcutaneous tissue is also reduced, even after a long time follicles shrink so the hair becomes smooth texture, said Rebecca kazin, medical director of the Johns Hopkins Dermatology and Cosmetic Center.Tetapi sometimes hormonal changes that cause hair thinning in certain parts of the body, it stimulates growth hair on the face. This occurs because of increased levels of testosterone. Some people complain of fine hairs on the upper lip or chin becomes more tebal.Seperti as hair on the head, the hair on the body can also be white. But the head hair graying faster than become part of the body. How quickly the hair on the head and body whitened highly influenced by genetic factors, he said.
