Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Be careful, Hoby Lazing Weekend Runway Increase Weight

ProArgi 9+


Be careful, Hoby Lazing Weekend Runway Increase Weight


Jakarta, After a week's work and activities, some people feel that the end of the week when the 'revenge' to relax throughout the day. Be careful, as these routines can cause weight gain Agency. Yes, a study done by researchers from the University of South Carolina says that lazing along the 20-minute daily Saturday and Sunday risky increase of 1, 6% increase in weight after one year past the Agency. Beyond that, we know the average sustained healthy eating on weekdays. But when the weekend arrives, they begin to eat carelessly. Until bustle shrink, but the consumption of calories be added, said researcher Clemens Drenowatz, taken from Max Health News, Saturday (05/03/2016). In this study, Drenowatz and his team did research on 332 adults aged 20-35 years .. They were ordered to wear a device to measure their activities during the 10 days, including Saturday and Sunday. Participants were also asked to report their activities on weekdays. Not forgetting, Body weight and fat content in the body of respondents were measured every three months. once, throughout the year. Drenowatz of research results, found that the average respondent bustle shrink striking late in the week. And vice versa, the consumption of which is consumed even be added. Causes, Body weight was also risky always be added. Well, to avoid strenuous hike lasts Agency, health professionals people from Christiana Care, Karen Anthony, recommend you to keep it available as activity at least 20 minutes at the end of the week. No need to force yourself to exercise heavily, when it can be used to enjoy or road cycling. Read also: 5 Routines Unfair in Final Weeks Must be shunned (ajg / vit)



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